boiled oil on alkyd resin - translation to ρωσικά
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boiled oil on alkyd resin - translation to ρωσικά

Alkyd resin
  • Structure of an idealized alkyd resin derived from [[glycerol]] and [[phthalic anhydride]]

boiled oil on alkyd resin      
глифталевая олифа
alkyd resin         

строительное дело

алкидная смола

алкидная смола


(Stoke-on-Trent) , город в Великобритании, Англия, на р. Трент. 247 тыс. жителей (1990). Транспортный узел. Центр "гончарного района" (4/5 производства фарфоро-фаянсовых изделий в стране). Металлургическая, лакокрасочная, шинная промышленность.



An alkyd is a polyester resin modified by the addition of fatty acids and other components. Alkyds are derived from polyols and organic acids including dicarboxylic acids or carboxylic acid anhydride and triglyceride oils. The term alkyd is a modification of the original name "alcid", reflecting the fact that they are derived from alcohol and organic acids. The inclusion of a fatty acid confers a tendency to form flexible coatings. Alkyds are used in paints, varnishes and in moulds for casting. They are the dominant resin or binder in most commercial oil-based coatings. Approximately 200,000 tons of alkyd resins are produced each year. The original alkyds were compounds of glycerol and phthalic acid sold under the name Glyptal. These were sold as substitutes for the darker-colored copal resins, thus creating alkyd varnishes that were much paler in colour. From these, the alkyds that are known today were developed.

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